50 is the Target for Medium

Sunny Tan HC
3 min readDec 31, 2021

I started my subscription for Medium and decided to write on this platform this year, 2021. Since 2017, I have created my content on LinkedIn and posted it almost daily to create awareness and get people to know me. As a result, I get connected to a few contacts and explore business opportunities together, which I am very fortunate to get connected to them and earn their trust.

I do not start off being a person that can write well, and I do not create content that “WOW” people. Many of my articles might be mundane or too specific for general readers to get associated. Back in my younger days, I did not do well in my English, and my grade is not a passing grade for GCE ‘O’ Level. Fortunately, a ‘D7’ grade allows me to continue my studies in polytechnic. My interest in reading English books started when I watched the “Lord of the Rings”, which prompted me to read the entire book within a month. It was an achievement for me back then. I do not read English books except for my studies.

What leads me to this path of writing articles? I can’t recall precisely the situation, but I think it starts when I need to write a technical proposal and project documents. I realised that even with many grammar mistakes, I could articulate my thoughts and put them into writings. I guess this started my writing journey a few years back.

When I was writing, I realised that I could connect to my thoughts better. When I articulate my thoughts, it allows me to check my thinking to ensure that they are on the right track, and I can fine-tune them before implementation. I get more clarity when I am writing, and I guess it also helps me pour out my thoughts, which helps manage my stress level.

In December, I looked back on my journey on Medium and realised that I had created 40 articles. So while the readership is not significant, at least I am generating original content that is helping my thoughts and hopefully inspires someone, one of my few readers. So before the end of 2021, I thought it would be great to challenge myself to write ten articles in the last 12 days to make it 50 contents in 2021.

So here you are, reading my 50th and last article in 2021. Before we move on to 2022, I like to wish you a great 2022 ahead and thank you very much for reading my Medium articles.



Sunny Tan HC

Continuous Improvement | CX | DX | Ex- Technoprenuer | Project Manager | Vacathoner | Medium Writer | Member of CVMB-IPMA