When it comes to writing, I am not a natural writer or someone who plans way ahead of what I will write. Instead, what I am writing can be very spontaneous and often are my life experiences revolving around my daily life.

My current work surrounds Continuous Improvement, Project Management, CX, and finding better ways to get things done. I believed in networking and leveraging each other's competencies, bridging demand to them when there's an opportunity.

I like to jog, enjoy cakes in cafe, and read books. I might not know everything, but I will give it a try and learn something from those experiences.

Connect with Sunny Tan HC
Sunny Tan HC

Sunny Tan HC

Continuous Improvement | CX | DX | Ex- Technoprenuer | Project Manager | Vacathoner | Medium Writer | Chairperson of IPMA Singapore | Board Member of CVMB-IPMA