IPMA People Competence Element — Personal Integrity and Reliability
In my last article on IPMA, I wrote about the first competence element in the People Area, Self-Reflection & Self-Management. In this article, I am writing on the next competence element of the People Area: Personal Integrity and Reliability.
This competence element aims to enable the individual to make consistent decisions, take consistent actions and behave consistently in projects. Maintaining personal integrity supports an environment built on trust that makes others feel secure and confident.
Personally, integrity is one of the critical values that one must exhibit and uphold before working with that individual or company. Without integrity, much doubt will need clarifications, adding unnecessary delay to an otherwise straightforward task. This was highlighted in the book “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen M R Covey. There are few instances where people I know do not act according to what they say. But, instead of taking what they said on surface value, people are confused and doubtful about their decision.
Many years back, I told my manager about my decision to leave the company. He told me that it was better to keep this between us since the performance bonus is coming. If I shared this with the management, this might affect what I deserved. However, he told the GM about my departure behind my back. This person also took away my credit on a project execution that gains the trust of a key customer, which resulted in awarding a sizable project to the company. Thus, I will never consider any personal or business relationship with this person. Given the bad track record that one exhibits, I will also advise any of my business partners against working with this person.
Once bitten twice shy, I will forgive, but I will never forget. It is essential to move on but also to learn the lesson that we went through. Thus, I will always want to be consistent in my decision and uphold the integrity I have been defending. People know that if they share something with me, I will not abuse this information. When we decided on a decision, I will execute it as planned unless we agreed on an alternative course of action.
Such trust enables execution to be fast and, without doubt,
Execution of this CE depends on the other CEs and cannot happen in a silo. The other CEs include Compliance, Standards & Regulations, Power & Interest, Culture & Values and others.
Thank you for reading, and I hope it gives you a glimpse into this Personal Integrity and Reliability CE. In my next article, I will write on the “Personal Communication” competence element.
If you are keen to know more about PMAS, you can check this link out https://pma.sg/ and follow my hashtag to learn more about the CE in IPMA Individual Competence Baseline (ICB) Version 4.0