IPMA Perspective Competence Element — Personal Communication

Sunny Tan HC
3 min readAug 31, 2021


In my last article on IPMA, I wrote about the second competence element in the People Area, Personal Integrity and Reliability. In this article, I am writing on the next competence element of the People Area: Personal Communication.

This competence element aims to enable the individual to communicate efficiently and effectively in a variety of situations, to different audiences and across different cultures.

There are many forms of communications that we are capable of, some will be obvious, and some are not considered a mode of communications unless recent years. Communication is an essential aspect of a Project Manager, where we spend more than 80% of our time communicating with stakeholders. Besides enabling us to understand the other party to execute the task, it is equally crucial to understand the other party.

The most common form of communication that we are capable of is Verbal. It includes Voice Call, Face-to-Face and via Zoom for both Casual and Formal communication. However, when we communicate with another person verbally, it comes with other cues, including Facial Expression, Posture, Tonality, and others, which is the Non-Verbal means of communicating with us. Either party will need to be equipped with Active Listening skills, which is another mode of communication.

When we are writing an email or sending short messages, we are engaging in the form of Written Communication. Besides email, it also includes memos and social media. One of the more recent means of communicating with another person is the use of Emoji. It is a form of Visual Communication that include Videos and Images.

When we realised that communication could be more than what we used to know, do you still think that you are not spending most of your time communicating with others?

Execution of this CE depends on the other CEs and cannot happen in a silo. The other CEs include Power & Interest, Culture & Values, Stakeholders and others.

Thank you for reading, and I hope it gives you a glimpse into this Personal Communication CE. In my next article, I will write on the “Relationship & Engagement” competence element.

If you are keen to know more about PMAS, you can check this link out https://pma.sg/ and follow my hashtag to learn more about the CE in IPMA Individual Competence Baseline (ICB) Version 4.0




Sunny Tan HC
Sunny Tan HC

Written by Sunny Tan HC

Continuous Improvement | CX | DX | Ex- Technoprenuer | Project Manager | Vacathoner | Medium Writer | Chairperson of IPMA Singapore | Board Member of CVMB-IPMA

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