IPMA Perspective Competence Element — Strategy
There are five competence elements in the Perspective Area. First on the list is Strategy. What is the purpose of this Competence Element (CE)?
This competence element aims to understand the strategy and strategic processes, thus enabling a specific management domain to manage their project within the contextual aspects.
When I am embarking on my career many years back, this does not have much meaning. I will execute all the instructions given to me and do them well. Indices such as Key Performance Indicators, Critical Success Factors, Benchmarking, and others, are alien to me. I try to pick them up along the way, and I am still learning about them years after running my own business.
As a Project Manager running the first Facial Recognition project with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), I spend most of my time on-site and communicating with my stakeholders. They are the operators, supervisors, project manager, and sponsor from the ministry. Apart from getting immediate feedback on the project, I can gain insights into their critical concerns. Such information enables me to deliver an appropriate and fitting solution and work on opportunities to structure other projects that my organisation can provide.
As staff, we are encouraged to give feedback and take action to structure the company. We are encouraged to think like business owner. Such openness in corporate structure enables us to consider how we can make the organisation better, support the customer better, and align with where the company is heading.
Team members can make decisions on-site whenever they need to solve a problem. There are only two considerations that they need to think about before making that decision. Firstly, does that decision helps to get them to where the project is heading. Next is if this is their own company, will they make that decision.
Besides trust, the organisation needs to provide critical success factor and key performance indicator that are SMART for everyone to follow. A beacon that’s shining bright, enabling people to make their journey to head towards it.
In that organisation, we are all treated equal, and information is shared openly within the company. Management’s considerations are shared, and we often perform AAR in our decisions, enabling everyone to learn, even from mistakes.
Execution of this CE cannot be done in a silo. It has to work together with other CEs, and other related CEs include Compliance, Standard & Regulations, Leadership, Results Orientation, Design, Risk & Opportunity, Stakeholders, and many others.
Thank you for reading, and I hope it gives you a glimpse into this Strategy CE. I will write on the next competence element n the Perspective Competence Area, Governance, Structures and Process, in my subsequent sharing.
If you are keen to know more about PMAS, you can check this link out https://pma.sg/ and follow my hashtag to know more about the CE in IPMA Individual Competence Baseline (ICB) Version 4.0