IPMA Practice Competence Element — Time

Sunny Tan HC
2 min readJan 5, 2022


In my last article on IPMA, I wrote about the third competence element in the Practice Area, Scope. In this article, I am writing on the fourth competence element of the Practice Area: Time.

This competence element is to enable the individual to define, sequence, optimise, monitor and control all components necessary to delivering the agreed outcomes of the project.

Time is a limited resource that every project managers fight to get more of them for the projects that we are running. After getting all the work breakdowns and laying them in sequence, we need to determine the effort and time to complete each activity. It’s tough to perform estimation in a big chunk, so we need to decompose the activities into manageable pieces for us to do this easily.

Working out the time required is not as simple as putting a timing to each activity. There are many other considerations and time conflicts that we need to manage.

  1. Availability of expertise for the specific task.
  2. Availability of specialised equipment.
  3. How sure are we that the predecessor task will be successful, and many others?
  4. And many others…

All these affect how we tag a time, or resources, to a job, which will directly impact other considerations that we need to make as a PM. Therefore, time is one of the components that make up the initial Triple Constraint.

Execution of this CE depends on the other CEs and cannot happen in a silo. The other CEs include Governance, Structures & Processes, Leadership, Negotiation, and others.

Thank you for reading, and I hope it gives you a glimpse into this Scope CE. In my next article, I will write on the Organisation & Information competence element in Practice Area.

If you are keen to know more about PMAS, you can check this link out https://pma.sg/ and follow my hashtag to learn more about the CE in IPMA Individual Competence Baseline (ICB) Version 4.0



Sunny Tan HC
Sunny Tan HC

Written by Sunny Tan HC

Continuous Improvement | CX | DX | Ex- Technoprenuer | Project Manager | Vacathoner | Medium Writer | Chairperson of IPMA Singapore | Board Member of CVMB-IPMA

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