Read to get Illiterate.
From what I can recall, 2021 is when I read the most book within a year. Earlier this year, I gave myself a target to read 18 books, and I am thankful to achieve this target. However, one observation that I had after reading 18 books this year is, the more that I read, the more illiterate I get. Why is this even so?
READ to know MORE.
What is the purpose of reading? I read to get alternative perspectives and learn from the author on handling specific situations and hoping to pick up some things from them. Also, I tend to use some of the concepts during my reading journey to improve myself and my business.
Reading does not help when we know or understand what to do but don’t put those into action. As we put it to work, we will gain new skills and test if those “theories” can be applicable in my context and even relevant.
The more I read, the more tools that I have on my hand to apply in different situations.
The MORE we read, the LESS we know.
If we get more knowledge and tools by reading, how can we know less when we read more? The challenge is that we read too much and do not put them into action. Have you realised that one concept that you read from a book might pop up in another book by another author? It is common when that’s typical know-how, and both authors share a similar subject. Then we will have that “ah-ha” moment that we know this concept, but it got lost somewhere, and we did not apply that.
Thus when we keep reading, and the same concept appears, again and again, we will know that we are not improving ourselves by reading. On the contrary, we realise that we are learning lesser and lesser until we solidify our reading and put them into action.
Personally, the best way to put what we have read and with us for a long time is to apply them. Take them to action, and we will surely understand those concepts in much greater depth and detail.
What’s my reading goal for 2022? I target to read at least 20 books and probably aim to put them into practice instead of just reading them.